​When you are a kid
Your bike gets you everywhere
When I was about 10
I was riding fast

The wind was behind me
I was Barry Waddell
I hit the loose gravel
Went down leaving skin everywhere

Gravel rash down my leg
I was sore all over
Crying I headed home
Looking for a magical cure

My Mum and Dad rode
They had their bikes
Mum with Christine on the back
Dad on a 28 inch Holland

As I got too big for my bike
Dad got me another one
Can't afford it new
They told me each time

Can I put my handle bars down
It is a lot better
No you can't Mum always said
You have to do your papers

About 14 I got a new bike
Yeah brand sparkling new
Square silver mud guards
This bike nearly had it all

The one thing it didn't have
I wanted butterfly handlebars
Just like Garry Koll
You have to do your papers

​A Boy and His Bike